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Tom Steyer, starring in TV ads for tobacco tax hike, invested in tobacco companies -- Tom Steyer, the billionaire former hedge-fund manager starring in a TV ad for a California ballot measure to raise state tobacco taxes, once invested millions of dollars in tobacco companies, federal records show. Christopher Cadelago in the Sacramento Bee$ -- 10/12/16

Congressional candidate argues his support for Donald Trump wasn't an endorsement of Donald Trump -- Justin Fareed, who is looking to replace outgoing Rep. Lois Capps (D-Santa Barbara), is trying to walk back comments he made during the primary campaign when he said he supported Trump. Javier Panzar in the Los Angeles Times$ -- 10/12/16

Ex-New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is backing California's cigarette tax proposition -- Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg contributed $500,000 to the Proposition 56 campaign, an initiative to hike the tobacco tax by $2 a pack. Liam Dillon in the Los Angeles Times$ -- 10/12/16

2 Women Say They Endured Trump’s Sexual Aggression -- The women say they felt compelled to speak after Mr. Trump denied ever engaging in such conduct. One says she encountered him on a plane, the other in Trump Tower. Megan Twohey and Michael Barbaro in the New York Times$ -- 10/12/16

‘Donald Trump will protect you’: Some fear he is running to be a dictator -- Watching Donald Trump talk during a presidential debate about jailing his opponent was a jarring experience for Al Cardenas, who traces his Republican identity in part to his hatred of the authoritarian Castro regime he fled long ago. Michael Kranish and Karen Tumulty in the Washington Post$ -- 10/12/16

Three L.A. charter schools could be shut down, largely because of their practice of bringing in teachers from Turkey -- Three Los Angeles charter schools could be shut down, largely because of their practice of bringing in teachers from Turkey, The Times has learned. Howard Blume in the Los Angeles Times$ -- 10/12/16

State watchdog unveils online complaint system -- With less than a month until the election, the state’s political watchdog unveiled a new online system Wednesday intended to make it easier to file complaints against sleazy politicians and corrupt campaigns. Taryn Luna in the Sacramento Bee$ -- 10/12/16

U.S. Justice Department urges changes in SFPD after fatal shootings -- A six-month investigation of the San Francisco Police Department by the U.S. Justice Department, prompted by the killing of Mario Woods and other fatal police shootings, concludes that the department does a poor job of tracking and investigating officers’ use of force, has ineffective antibias training and shields its disciplinary process from public view. Vivian Ho in the San Francisco Chronicle James Queally in the Los Angeles Times$ Alex Emslie KQED -- 10/12/16

Family of man shot by El Cajon police appears with Al Sharpton, seeking Justice Department investigation -- The Rev. Al Sharpton on Wednesday called on the Department of Justice to investigate the fatal shooting of an unarmed black man last month by an El Cajon police officer, a shooting he called “egregious at best.” Matt Stevens in the Los Angeles Times$ -- 10/12/16

LAPD detective’s gunshot death in Whittier believed to be a suicide -- LAPD spokeswoman Officer Liliana Preciado identified the officer as 44-year-old Nadine Hernandez, a detective with the LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division who was investigating a rape allegation against NBA star Derrick Rose. Ruby Gonzales in the Los Angeles Daily News$ -- 10/12/16

Republican assemblyman cries foul over lawn signs that put Trump's name next to his -- It's not just national Republican leaders who are trying mightily to distance themselves from Donald Trump this week: One South Bay assemblyman says he's angry about lawn signs linking him to the presidential nominee. Christine Mai-Duc in the Los Angeles Times$ -- 10/12/16

Donald Trump rears again in tight Inland SoCal Assembly race -- From Inland Southern California, further proof that Donald Trump is being used to bludgeon down-ballot Republicans. Christopher Cadelago in the Sacramento Bee$ -- 10/12/16

Trump comments lead former POW to star in national TV ads -- In 1944, Army Pfc. Joel Sollender barely imagined that he’d survive World War II, much less star in a political ad blitz more than seven decades later. Carl Prine in the San Diego Union-Tribune$ -- 10/12/16

In Florida, Donald Trump rips ‘radical activists like Tom Steyer’ -- Tom Steyer’s relentless jabs at Donald Trump – and the millions of dollars the billionaire environmentalist is spending to help Democrats – may finally be ruffling the Republican presidential candidate. Christopher Cadelago in the Sacramento Bee$ -- 10/12/16

Tom Steyer takes Trump attack as a badge of honor -- Don’t think that Donald Trump is focusing his latest round of invective and hate-tweeting only on conservatives like House Speaker Paul Ryan (“weak,” “ineffective,”) and Sen. John McCain (“foul-mouthed”). Now he’s warring against liberal San Francisco environmentalist Tom Steyer. And Steyer is swinging back, calling Trump “low energy.” Joe Garofoli in the San Francisco Chronicle -- 10/12/16

Two Democrats are on the ballot for Congress in this San Fernando Valley race — but only one is running -- Former L.A. City Councilman Richard Alarcon is challenging Rep. Tony Cardenas (D-Los Angeles) in an intraparty fight that was expected to pit two seasoned Latino politicians against each other over the 29th Congressional District. But only one of them is running a campaign. Christine Mai-Duc in the Los Angeles Times$ -- 10/12/16

Effort to overturn California gun bills at ballot box fails -- An effort to qualify November 2018 ballot measures to overturn six major gun-control laws approved earlier this year has failed, the California secretary of state’s office said this week. Jim Miller in the Sacramento Bee$ -- 10/12/16

Fox: Changing the Rules to Curb the GOP -- A new law setting up a redistricting commission in Los Angeles County is the first move by Democrats hoping to take as tight a grip on local elected offices as they have under the capitol dome. Joel Fox Fox & Hounds -- 10/12/16

Baldassare: The End of the Post-Partisan Era? -- Last week, a press release from the California Secretary of State touted the record number of 18.2 million California registered voters as a “major milestone.” The new numbers are impressive, but it’s also worth noting that California’s voter registration is in line with its current population trends. Mark Baldassare Fox & Hounds -- 10/12/16

Metal Scrap Yard Had History of Violations Before Toxic Fire -- Months after the cleaning crews have gone, Juan Rosas has to be careful walking in his backyard. He's still finding charred debris in the lawn from a fire that erupted at a scrap-metals recycling plant behind his property in the tiny southeast Los Angeles County city of Maywood nearly four months ago. Jason Kandel NBCLA -- 10/12/16

Morrison: 'Chessman' playright Joseph Rodota on California's ongoing civil war over the death penalty -- One reason Californians will be voting, again, about the death penalty, next month, is because of a man named Caryl Chessman. He was called the “Red Light Bandit,” and he was executed in 1960 for several crimes, but none of them was murder. Patt Morrison in the Los Angeles Times$ -- 10/12/16

Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf is retiring immediately, will not receive severance -- John Stumpf has resigned as chairman and chief executive of Wells Fargo & Co., bowing to mounting criticism from lawmakers and others who said he should lose his job over revelations that bank employees created as many as 2 million accounts without customers’ authorization. James Rufus Koren in the Los Angeles Times$ -- 10/12/16

Donald Trump falls behind in the USC/L.A. Times poll, one of his favorites -- The poll often is out of sync with other voter surveys because it uses different methodology. It asks voters to estimate, on a scale of 0 to 100, how likely they are to vote for a particular candidate and crunches the results for a daily forecast. Using the same technique, the poll predicted President Obama’s margin of victory within half a percentage point in 2012. Evan Halper in the Los Angeles Times$ -- 10/12/16

California Policy & Politics This Morning  

Clinton-Trump race could draw biggest early-voting turnout in LA County history -- Close to 100 people cast ballots on the first day that early voting became available in Los Angeles County, officials said this week. That’s seven times more voters than those who showed up in 2012, when a sitting President Barack Obama was running against Republican nominee Mitt Romney. Ryan Fonseca and Susan Abram in the Long Beach Press Telegram$ -- 10/12/16

LA County approves pay raises for poll workers ahead of November election -- Hoping to lure more Los Angeles County residents to become poll workers, the Board of Supervisors Tuesday approved a pay increase for the nearly 25,000 people needed to help out during the upcoming presidential election. Susan Abram in the Los Angeles Daily News$ -- 10/12/16

Gov. Jerry Brown contemplates second chances in backing prison-reform measure -- In 1976, Gov. Jerry Brown signed a law ending an era in which California prison inmates received open-ended sentences, earning their release by convincing corrections officials that they had reformed their lives. Adam Ashton in the Sacramento Bee$ -- 10/12/16

He’s back...Bernie Sanders to rally in L.A., S.F. for drug measure -- Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, whose revolution-stirring presidential bid reverberated across California ahead of the June primary, will return to the state this week to rally for a proscription drug pricing measure on the fall ballot. Christopher Cadelago in the Sacramento Bee$ -- 10/12/16

National City to Sanders campaign: Show me the money -- National City sent a demand for payment letter to the Bernie Sanders campaign Tuesday after repeated attempts to collect money owed for a May rally the Vermont senator held at Kimball Park. Allison Sampite-Montecalvo in the San Diego Union-Tribune$ -- 10/12/16

Applegate and Issa don't pull punches in new ads -- In recent days four attack ads were released in the contest between Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Vista, and Democratic challenger Doug Applegate, which has become increasingly bitter. Joshua Stewart in the San Diego Union-Tribune$ -- 10/12/16

Honda, Khanna square off in court -- Rep. Mike Honda and his re-election rival Ro Khanna appeared in federal court Tuesday over the incumbent’s lawsuit accusing Khanna’s campaign of illegally accessing Honda’s donor database. Eric Kurhi in the San Jose Mercury$ -- 10/12/16

Proposition 54 Would Bring New Transparency Rules to the Legislature -- Proposition 54 is being touted by supporters as a way to bring more transparency to the state Legislature. It would generally require a bill to be in print for 72 hours before it can be passed. Critics say the waiting period would be exploited by lobbyists and special interest groups to kill bills they don’t like. Katie Orr KQED -- 10/12/16

Prop. 58 would restore bilingual education in California. But is the issue 'dead and forgotten'? -- Ricardo Lara was in college when California voters approved a law that required public school students to speak and learn only in English. It was a debate, the now-state-senator remembers, that was tainted with racial undertones. Jazmine Ulloa in the Los Angeles Times$ -- 10/12/16

Prop. 60 puts condoms on porn actors, but critics say it’s a barrier to business -- On one side of the debate of Proposition 60 stands an AIDS advocacy organization that says a statewide law is needed to keep adult film performers safe from sexually transmitted diseases. On the other side are the adult film performers themselves. They say such a law will endanger their livelihood. Susan Abram in the San Bernardino Sun$ -- 10/12/16

If Loretta Sanchez was part of immigration talks with President Obama as she claims, she was (very) behind the scenes -- Senate candidate Loretta Sanchez hasn’t been in the public eye on national immigration policy in the same way as her Congressional Hispanic Caucus’ Immigration and Border Security Task Force co-chairman Rep. Luis Gutierrez. Sarah D. Wire in the Los Angeles Times$ -- 10/12/16

California lawmakers denounce Wells Fargo at hearing, call for statewide banking reform -- More than a month after regulators announced a sweeping settlement against Wells Fargo & Co. over its creation of unauthorized customer accounts, lawmakers went after the bank again Tuesday and called for reforms that could rein in abusive practices by banks. James Rufus Koren in the Los Angeles Times$ -- 10/12/16

Federal agency that investigated Wells Fargo scandal dealt blow by court -- A U.S. consumer watchdog agency that helped unravel the Wells Fargo & Co. scandal has an unconstitutional structure because it gives too much power to its director, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday. James Peltz in the Los Angeles Times$ -- 10/12/16

Walters: Los Angeles ‘summit’ focuses on California’s acute housing crisis -- Finally, some folks are having an existential crisis about a housing shortage that could send the state into a socioeconomic death spiral. Dan Walters in the Sacramento Bee$ -- 10/12/16

Brigade updates site — it’s social media as voters’ guide -- Unless your name is Paul Ryan, you probably know who you are voting for president by now. And maybe U.S. Senate. But, dang,you’re thinking, the rest of that ballot looks long. And, one month before election day, looking for political advice on Facebook is a social media minefield. Joe Garofoli in the San Francisco Chronicle -- 10/12/16

Taxes, Fees, Rates, Tolls, Bonds    

Beverage-Industry Playbook Expands as 'Big Soda' Spends Large to Defeat Oakland and San Francisco Taxes -- Say what you want about the power and influence of "Big Soda," the beverage industry's game plan to defeat soda-tax measures is remarkably consistent: identify low-income and minority groups, label the tax regressive and unfair, then watch it fail. Winston Cho East Bay Express -- 10/12/16


Millennium penthouse price defies gravity -- A remodeled, two-bedroom penthouse on the top floor of the sinking 58-story Millennium Tower has gone on the market for just shy of $9 million. Matier & Ross in the San Francisco Chronicle -- 10/12/16

Economy, Employers, Jobs, Unions, Pensions 

Nevada Senate votes to help fund stadium for Raiders -- The Nevada Senate approved a plan Tuesday to spend $750 million in public funds for a new stadium in hopes of luring the Oakland Raiders to Las Vegas, despite critics saying the deal “is deeply flawed.” Melody Gutierrez in the San Francisco Chronicle -- 10/12/16

Wholesale gasoline prices surge after power outage shuts down Torrance refinery -- Wholesale gasoline prices jumped Tuesday and consumers could see higher prices at the pump after a South Bay power outage forced a Torrance fuel refinery to shut down. Ivan Penn in the Los Angeles Times$ -- 10/12/16

High-speed rail agency delays decision on Fresno station design -- A decision on consultants to design a high-speed rail passenger station in Fresno, as well as a statewide operations center in the San Joaquin Valley, is being pushed off by the California High-Speed Rail Authority. Tim Sheehan in the Fresno Bee -- 10/12/16

Sacramento cutting ties with Wells Fargo after fraudulent account scandal -- Sacramento’s interim city treasurer has been cutting ties with Wells Fargo ever since the bank was outed last month for opening 2 million unauthorized consumer accounts. Anita Chabria in the Sacramento Bee$ -- 10/12/16

In downtown Santa Ana, some Latino merchants try to surf wave of gentrification -- What seems a mere sartorial tweak in this little corner of Orange County’s Mexican immigrant community is shop owner Lilia Cerpas’ strategic stab at appealing to the neighborhood’s new arrivals: younger, more affluent -- and most likely to be white. Cindy Carcamo in the Los Angeles Times$ -- 10/12/16


UC’s extraordinary legal battle with ex-Berkeley law school dean -- A lawsuit filed against the University of California raises the extraordinary question of whether UC’s efforts to hold the former dean of one of the nation’s top-ranked law schools accountable for violating its sexual harassment policy are, in fact, illegal. Nanette Asimov in the San Francisco Chronicle -- 10/12/16

How a farm at an L.A. continuation school became a refuge for both students and animals -- Most school days, 17-year-old Alex Snyder eats lunch with a pot-bellied pig named Peanut. Sonali Kohli in the Los Angeles Times$ -- 10/12/16

Sacramento districts struggle to find space for more preschoolers -- A big state funding increase allows school districts to add badly needed preschool classes, but for many, limited classroom space means they can’t take advantage of the opportunity. Diana Lambert in the Sacramento Bee$ -- 10/12/16

Prop. 55: Initiative to extend income tax increases to benefit schools -- With Gov. Jerry Brown vowing to cut $6 billion in funding to K–12 schools and community colleges if they didn’t approve a temporary tax increase, voters in 2012 passed Proposition 30, raising the state sales tax and personal income tax on the wealthiest Californians. John Fensterwald EdSource -- 10/12/16


Scientists, fishermen fight to save leatherback sea turtles -- Despite strict protections off the West Coast, leatherback turtles are in danger in other parts of the Pacific, scientists and fishermen said at a conference called to celebrate California’s official marine reptile. Deborah Sullivan Brennan in the Los Angeles Times$ -- 10/12/16

California condors: Chick born in wild flies from nest at Pinnacles National Park for first time in a century -- In a milestone for the recovery of the California condor, a condor chick has hatched in the wild, survived and flown out of its nest at Pinnacles National Park for the first time since the 1890s. Paul Rogers in the San Jose Mercury$ -- 10/12/16

Arctic Bees Could Teach Researchers About Climate Change -- University of California, Riverside researchers are recently back from a trip to Alaska where they collected samples of a hardy pollinator called Bombus polaris, the Arctic bumblebee. Erik Anderson KPBS -- 10/12/16

Also . . . 

Bay Bridge East Span Bike Path: It’s Done, but Not Open Just Yet -- Cyclists and long-distance walkers, listen up: The bicycle and pedestrian path across the eastern span of the Bay Bridge is done. But hold on: The path from Oakland to Yerba Buena Island isn’t open yet — repeat, it’s not open — and won’t be until crews complete a few finishing touches on the island side of the route. Dan Brekke KQED -- 10/12/16

Sacramento County paying $200,000 in third lawsuit involving flashlight-wielding deputy -- For the third time in six years, Sacramento County has paid thousands of dollars to settle a lawsuit against one of its deputies over a beating he allegedly administered with his flashlight. Denny Walsh and Sam Stanton in the Sacramento Bee$ -- 10/12/16


Obama Considers ‘Proportional’ Response to Russian Hacking in U.S. Election -- Whatever the president opts to do would probably not be announced in advance and may never be acknowledged or disclosed if it is carried out, Mr. Earnest said. Julie Hirschfeld and Gardiner Harris in the New York Times$ -- 10/12/16


List: Which California Republicans Are Supporting Donald Trump? -- It’s been a tumultuous few days for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, to say the least. The Republican nominee spent the weekend alternately defending and apologizing for lewd comments he made about women in a 2005 video that surfaced Friday. Guy Marzorati, Katie Orr and Scott Shafer KQED -- 10/12/16

The Man Behind the Tapes That Could Sink the Donald -- He’s a former British paratrooper and one-time Beverly Hills nanny who made a fortune inventing reality TV with Survivor and producing shows for every network. Todd S. Purdum Politico Emily Yahr in the Washington Post$ -- 10/12/16

Feminist attorney Allred demands that Trump, MGM release 'Apprentice' tapes -- Feminist attorney Gloria Allred, who has represented an army of women in legal actions against rich and powerful men — Bill Cosby, Tiger Woods, Anthony Weiner and ex-Clippers owner Donald Sterling among them — is demanding the release of footage from Donald Trump's reality show, "The Apprentice." Carla Marinucci Politico -- 10/12/16

Trump declares war on GOP, says ‘shackles have been taken off’ -- In a blizzard of tweets one month before the election, Donald Trump lashed out at party leaders, calling House Speaker Paul Ryan "weak and ineffective" and "disloyal" after Ryan said he would no longer campaign for Trump. Sean Sullivan, Robert Costa and Dan Balz in the Washington Post$ Steve Peoples, Jonathan Lemire and Jill Colvin Associated Press -- 10/12/16

Top Clinton aide accuses Trump allies of leaking emails to distract from tape scandal -- The FBI is investigating the hacking of the emails of John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman, he said Tuesday night, suggesting that they were leaked to distract from Donald Trump's taped remarks about women. Michael A. Memoli in the Los Angeles Times$ -- 10/12/16

Trump blasts Clinton, Department of Justice over leaked emails -- Donald Trump attacked Hillary Clinton on Tuesday over private emails leaked by WikiLeaks, accusing the former secretary of state of dishonesty and suggesting — without evidence — that the Department of Justice colluded with her as it investigated her use of a private email server as secretary of state. Jose A. DelReal in the Washington Post$ -- 10/12/16

‘I’m the Last Thing Standing Between You and the Apocalypse’ -- Inside the final weeks of Hillary Clinton’s cautious — and surprisingly risky — campaign. Mark Leibovich in the New York Times Magazine$ -- 10/12/16


-- Tuesday Updates 

L.A. Police Commission approves proposals to increase transparency, training for how LAPD officers use force -- The Los Angeles Police Commission on Tuesday unanimously approved significant changes in the way the LAPD handles shootings by officers, directing the department to release information to the public more quickly and expand training designed to reduce the number of shootings. Kate Mather in the Los Angeles Times$ Frank Stoltze KPCC -- 10/11/16

Sacramento police commission leader resigns, says panel ‘not relevant’ -- The head of the Sacramento Community Police Commission resigned Tuesday, saying the board was “not relevant” in the aftermath of a July police shooting of a mentally ill man in North Sacramento. Anita Chabria in the Sacramento Bee$ -- 10/11/16

Anti-Prop. 53 campaign overplays disaster card in TV ad -- The initiative, which is backed by wealthy Stockton-area farmer Dino Cortopassi, would require voter approval before California can issue more than $2 billion of revenue bonds for a single state project. Alexei Koseff in the Sacramento Bee$ -- 10/11/16

Major power outage triggers flaring event at Torrance refinery -- A major flaring event at the former Exxon Mobil refinery in Torrance triggered a shelter-in-place order for local residents and slowed traffic along the 405 Freeway as an enormous column of smoke and flames rose above the facility early Tuesday. Hailey Branson-Potts in the Los Angeles Times$ -- 10/11/16

Former Port of L.A. police chief sentenced to 2 years in federal prison for tax evasion -- The former chief of police at the Port of Los Angeles was sentenced to two years in federal prison Tuesday for concealing over $1.1 million in income and making false statements to the FBI. Veronica Rocha in the Los Angeles Times$ -- 10/11/16

Potent brew: Hollywood and political cash -- Hollywood and Sacramento are not cities that normally leap into our thoughts at the same time. Sacramento is leafy streets and politics and scorching heat. Hollywood is, well, Hollywood. Chuck McFadden Capitol Weekly -- 10/11/16

San Diego employers don’t pay back workers in 70 percent of wage theft cases -- American Voodoo, a short-lived restaurant in University Heights known for its “Cali-Creole” cuisine, was mentioned in several local reviews for its upscale comfort food a couple of years ago. But the establishment was better known by some of its employees for not meeting payroll. Pilar de Haro inewsource.org -- 10/11/16

1 detained as Trump supporters protest outside CNN building in Hollywood -- One person was taken into custody Monday evening during a pro-Donald Trump rally outside the CNN building in Hollywood. But it wasn’t a Trump supporter who was taken away in handcuffs by Los Angeles police, it was a woman who allegedly spat on one of the demonstrators, then dashed into a nearby coffee shop. Anita Bennett and Matthew Carey in the Los Angeles Daily News$ -- 10/11/16

Death of college board trustee John T. Nejedly a mystery -- Questions persist about the death Sunday of Contra Costa Community College District trustee John T. Nejedly in New Orleans, including how he died and how long it will take until a cause is determined. Sam Richards in the East Bay Times -- 10/11/16

Bilingual education battle revived in Proposition 58 -- When Palo Alto software entrepreneur Ron Unz led a campaign to ban bilingual education 18 years ago, California erupted in an acrimonious debate that drew national attention, with proponents expressing fears about the decline of English and opponents charging racism and predicting an educational Armageddon. Sharon Noguchi in the San Jose Mercury$ -- 10/11/16

Fox: The Billionaire Ballot Props Election -- Let’s look at this year’s ballot propositions as the Billionaire’s Election. While its not unheard of for the very rich to indulge in politics, no less than four of the 17 ballot measures have billionaire backers whose dollars helped get the propositions on the ballot. Joel Fox Fox & Hounds -- 10/11/16

Cailfornia lawmaker denounces Wells Fargo at hearing, calls for statewide banking reform -- There were fewer TV cameras and less pomp and circumstance, but a hearing in Calabasas on Tuesday on the Wells Fargo & Co. fake accounts scandal was an otherwise familiar site, with lawmakers ripping into the bank. James Rufus Koren in the Los Angeles Times$ -- 10/11/16

California's 'first dog' falls critically ill -- California Gov. Jerry Brown’s dog Sutter, a fixture at the state capitol who helped temper Brown’s image and advance his political causes, has fallen critically ill, with a spokesman describing his prognosis as “likely to be very poor.” David Siders Politico Jeremy B. White in the Sacramento Bee$ Javier Panzar in the Los Angeles Times$ -- 10/11/16

GOP Poll: Darrell Issa Leads Democratic Challenger by 9 Points -- Democrats have been increasingly excited about targeting California Republican Rep. Darrell Issa this fall. But new polling from Issa's campaign, shared exclusively with Roll Call, shows the former House Oversight chairman holding a 9-point advantage over his Democratic challenger. Simone Pathé Roll Call -- 10/11/16

Will Nancy O'Malley Be California’s Next Top Prosecutor? -- Alameda County's district attorney is on the shortlist to become the next state attorney general. She’s recognized nationally for combating sex trafficking, but is that enough? Ali Winston Oakland Magazine -- 10/11/16

California election site photo makes the web rounds -- They are part of a stock image – one photo vendor site characterizes it as “teenagers young team together cheerful concept” – that shows up in many other web pages. Jim Miller in the Sacramento Bee$ -- 10/11/16

Unshackled Trump declares war on GOP -- Backed by some of his fiercest allies and with little left to lose politically, Donald Trump on Tuesday stepped up his attacks on House Speaker Paul Ryan and the GOP establishment that has suddenly and decisively turned its back on him. Louis Nelson Politico -- 10/11/16

Trump's 'grab 'em' comment unleashes national conversation -- On Facebook and Twitter, on the phone and on the job, from living rooms to hair salons, Donald Trump's "Grab 'em by the p----" comment has unleashed a tsunami of stories from women sharing painful memories of sexual assaults. Beth J. Harpaz Associated Press -- 10/11/16

Trump, unbound -- Deserted and detested, the GOP nominee feels free to tell people what he really thinks. Eli Stokols and Glen Thrush Politico -- 10/11/16